Digital Art and Animation

Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

3D Globe

I chose to do the spinning 3D globe tutorial though I had to go a round about way to get it to spin because my video timeline was not working. Instead i used the frame animation timeline and did it frame by frame.

Barack Obama Talking Head

This was really fun to learn because now I can do this to pictures of others and make some jokes!

My Portrait

This portrait was made using the polygon lasso tool, layer management, and the use of two tutorials to create the coloring and the squares that break up the picture

Color Splash Tutorial Continued

After learning this skill I decided to practice it with a different photo. This was very beneficial and helped me to master my ability to see a color I like and pick it out from the rest of the image.

Color Splash Tutorial

I learned how to single out certain colors in a picture and then turn the rest of it black and white. This is a cool skill because I can use it to highlight objects or colors in photos that I find interesting.


happy, mischievous. mysterious, kindness

Cartoon Katrina

It was really fun to distort an image in this way.

Filter Practice

I applied the spatter filter to this and I think it makes it look unique and I loved filters!!

Blending Options Practice

It was fun to learn how to blend the different color changes I added into the original so it looked more natural.

Adjustment Layers Practice

This was very educational because now I now how to adjust the coloring of a picture to give it better quality.
